
News & Happenings


April 2022 Newsletter

Lions Clubs International Foundation

LCI Dues Adjustment Resolution To Be Voted On

Lions Clubs International supports clubs and members around the world so we can advance our global mission of service together. Our international support and the work of Lions Clubs International is fueled by the international dues of our incredible members.

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that the services Lions Clubs International has been able to provide to members with the available budget is no longer in line with what Lions need and expect.

The International Board of Directors voted in October 2019 to approve an international dues adjustment resolution that would be voted on at the 2020 International Convention, but it was postponed due to the cancellation of our 2020 convention and the move to a virtual convention in 2021 as we adapted to the pandemic. The new dues adjustment model will be voted on at the 2022 International Convention in Montreal.

The Board of Directors undertook an extensive review of Lions Clubs International’s financials, including the implementation of substantial budget reductions. After much consideration, the board proposed to adjust dues $7 over a three-year period.

Under the proposal, international dues would be adjusted according to the following schedule:

  • $3 increase on July 1, 2023
  • $2 increase on July 1, 2024
  • $2 increase on July 1, 2025

We realize the association has been reluctant to adjust dues over the years, and we have not adjusted international dues since 2011. The proposed adjustment will help cover our costs and allow us to suitably serve our members’ needs. With that said, the Board of Directors did not take this issue lightly, nor are we minimizing the value of each dollar that our members contribute.

As we consider this dues adjustment, it is essential that we keep in mind that our global efforts and initiatives support more than 1.4 million members in 50,000 clubs around the world. Through the support of staff, we are able to serve globally on the level that we do, keeping members and clubs fully supported with service resources, training events and software, club operational support, hybrid convention, international meetings, language services, technology, Foundation support, leadership support, and everything else we have come to expect as Lions.

A dues adjustment will allow Lions Clubs International to provide improved support to Lions and to continue to invest in improving programs and digital products such as our website and MyLion. It will also allow us to invest in new programs such as the Learning Management System (LMS), development of new curriculum such as digital literacy, training videos, global advertising, marketing automation, digital and video storytelling and other tools and initiatives that will enhance our impact, our brand, and our membership.

Essentially, we have to decide whether or not we want Lions Clubs International to continue to grow and thrive. Lions is more than a way of life. It’s also an investment of money, time, energy and passion. As with any good investment, the more we put in, the more returns we see.

I hope that you will see this adjustment as we do: as an investment in the future of Lions. Through your support, we can ensure that Lions are positioned for success in the future.

Yours in Service,

Douglas X. Alexander
International President

Club News

Helena Lions Club Foundation Donation

The Helena Lions Club Foundation donated $4,000.00 to the Helena Babe Ruth Baseball Association to help fund a playground to be built at Ryan Park in Helena. This park has eight baseball fields that young boys and girls use all summer for Babe Ruth baseball and other activities for children. The playground equipment will be a new part of the park that people can bring their children to play on. The Helena Lions Club has sponsored a Babe Ruth team for over 60 years and this donation put a cap on the $38,000.00 the new playground equipment will cost. Installation will start the Spring of 2022 and the Helena Lions Club will be helping on the installation.

Pictured from left is John Cochrane of Helena Babe Ruth Baseball, Lion Jim Brown and Lion President Jack Berry presenting the check.


March 2022 Newsletter

Club News

Quilted Christmas Throw Raffle

51”x65” Quilt from the Sewing Room of Lion Jayne Pfeifer, in Support of PCC Ben Apeland, Candidate for International Director

$10 Each or 3 for $25
Tickets Available at District 37 Convention in Great Falls, MT & District CI Convention in St. Albert, AB

Or Contact:
Lion Whitney Miller PCC
P.O. Box 504
Bozeman, MT 59771
E : [email protected]

BettyAnn Robson
P.O. Box 8
Beaverlodge, AB T0H 0C0
E: [email protected]

Draw will be made on April 30, 2022


February 2022 Newsletter

District News

January Cabinet Meeting Minutes

Club News

Forsyth Lions Club – Natural Springs Water Project

Our most prominent service project over the years has been maintenance of the natural water springs about 2 miles West of Forsyth. Citizens from Miles City to Billings use the spring water for their household. Over the years the park area has been improved with gravel road access, decorative stairs, and improved access to the water. We also have volunteers who pick up the trash each week, mow the fire pit area, shovel stairs, and otherwise keep the area attractive. The park is owned by the state and the water is sampled and tested regularly as well.
The project benefits youth and adults in Forsyth and the surrounding area by providing natural spring water and a picnic/recreation area. We observe people filling water containers year around. Although difficult to count, an estimate would be that over 300 individuals and families (mostly Rosebud and Treasure County) use the spring water at least once during the year. The area is also used regularly for picnics and bon fires including high school home coming this fall. Recreationists like joggers and bikers stop at the springs for a drink and short rest as well. Overall, we believe the springs and picnic area are used by over 1000 residents and travelers each year.

January 2022 Newsletter