
MTLS&H Foundation

Club News, District News, MTLS&H Foundation

MTLSHF 2024 Polaris Ranger 570 Raffle

Club News, District News, MTLS&H Foundation

MTLSHF Eye Glass Donation Drop Off Locations

District News, MTLS&H Foundation

Dan Sturdevant, Presidential Award Recipient

At the October Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation meeting, a Presidential Award from Brian Sheehan, 2022-23 Lions International President, was presented to Dan Sturdevant by International Director Ben Apeland and Erik van Kuijk, MD, PhD from the University of Minnesota’s department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences.  The award had a depiction of the 2021-22 Grand Prize Winner of the Peace Poster Contest  themed “We Are All Connected”.  Congratulations Dan for over 20 years of service to the Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation!


MTLS&H Foundation

Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation Gathers

Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation gathers in the multi-purpose room of Jefferson High School, Boulder, Montana for the scheduled quarterly meeting.

District News, MTLS&H Foundation

PlusOptix Eye Screening Update

Reprinted from Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation (MLS&HF) Newsletter

Hello Fellow Lions – with the overwhelmingly proven success of the PlusOptix Vision Screening machines the MLS&HF decided to pre-purchase TWO machines to keep on hand for clubs looking to add a PlusOptix machine to their community.  If your club is An image of an eye.interested in puchasing a machine please contact me at [email protected] or 406.253.1726 or 406.257.2258.  The cost is $7,235.00, included is the S-12 machine with printer and labels.  For $7,015.00 you can just purchase the S-12 machine.  The machines are available now to be shipped or possibly delivered in person, depending on location.  Keep in mind, I am willing to provide personal training at a specific location and time that works for the purchasing club, you will not have to fly blind using these machines.

Reminder: please send in your total screened and total referred, monthly.  With this information we are able to purchase more machines and provide up to date statistics on the amazing work the Montana Lions do in their communities helping to alleviate vision issues for the future leaders of tomorrow.

As of March 13, 2020; 26,993 children have been screened in the State of Montana for FY 20 with 2780 referred.

– Lion Dave Falcon – [email protected] / 406.253.1726 / 406.257.2258

District News, MTLS&H Foundation, Newsletters

Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation April Newsletter

A knight is the logo of the Foundation.Click the image at right for a copy of the newsletter containing the winner of the ATV raffle, PlusOptix info, License Plate campaign update, White Cane, and more.