Helena Lions Club Foundation Donation
The Helena Lions Club Foundation donated $4,000.00 to the Helena Babe Ruth Baseball Association to help fund a playground to be built at Ryan Park in Helena. This park has eight baseball fields that young boys and girls use all summer for Babe Ruth baseball and other activities for children. The playground equipment will be a new part of the park that people can bring their children to play on. The Helena Lions Club has sponsored a Babe Ruth team for over 60 years and this donation put a cap on the $38,000.00 the new playground equipment will cost. Installation will start the Spring of 2022 and the Helena Lions Club will be helping on the installation.
Pictured from left is John Cochrane of Helena Babe Ruth Baseball, Lion Jim Brown and Lion President Jack Berry presenting the check.
The Ennis Lions Club Peace Poster Contest
The Ennis Lions Club proudly supports the annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. We run two contests in our middle school, 6th grade and 7th grade. This year we had 63 participants combined. The photo is at our award ceremony where we gave the 1st place winners each $50 and two runners up in each group $25. We also give $100 to each of the two classes as a thank you for participating. The teachers love this program and many of the students put a lot of pride and effort into their posters. After the contest, all of the posters are hung up on the walls in our post office for public viewing for two weeks. We feel that this is a great international program that gets the young people thinking about global peace. The Lions pictured are Lion President Ken Sciuchetti and poster chair Lion Jim Forsberg, photo by Lion Russ Whitaker.
Backpack Community Challenge
The Bozeman Sweet Peak Lions partnered with The Elk River Exchange to gather and fill backpacks designed for children going into foster care, a backpack of their own containing clean socks, underwear and pajamas for that first night.
During 2019 there were 409 disasters worldwide. In one 24 hour period from October 16th to October 17th 2020 there were 10 earthquakes registering from 4.5 to 5.3 around the world.
So far this year the United States has been inflicted with 16 natural disasters costing at least $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars) each!! This is the 6th consecutive year the United States has had at least 10 events costing over $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars) each!!
For the past 50+ years “OUR FOUNDATION” has provided over $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars) in meeting humanitarian needs worldwide. The United States has been the recipient of many grants totaling nearly as much as we have donated. Montana has recived numerous grants and is currently seeking at least one grant at the next Board Meeting in January. If your club is considering a project contact me to see if we can schedule a grant application for consideration. We are allowed 2 active Matching Grants at one time, however there are other grants to consider.
In the wake of droughts, wild fires, floods, earthquakes, monsoons, huricanes, tornadoes and illnesses the United Nations is warning that the number of people needing humanitarian aid may rise from 108 million people in 2018 to 168 million people by 2030. The needs of the world and OUR FOUNDATION will continue to increase into the forseeable future.
Tuesday December 1, 2020 is “Giving Tuesday” in the United States. I am encouraging any Lion that donates to a charity this year to go to lcif.org/donate to make a one time donation or arrange an ongoing donation to the Lions Clubs International Foundation-“YOUR FOUNDATION”. Thank You!
Yours in Lionism,
PDG Lary Garrison, District 37 LCIF Chair
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