

District 37 District Due Reminder

Reminder to Club Secretary and Treasurers: District Dues

As October approaches, it’s important for all secretaries and treasurers within District 37 of the Montana Lions Clubs to prepare for the upcoming assessment of district dues. Here’s everything you need to know to ensure your club is ready and compliant.

Key Date & Membership Basis

The district dues are assessed on January 1st based on the membership as recorded in the Lions Portal on November 1. This means that your club’s dues will be calculated based on the number of members listed in the portal on this date. Ensure your membership records are up to date by then to avoid any discrepancies.

Dues Structure

The dues are set at $25 per member. This fee is divided into two main parts:

  1. District Operations: $24 of the dues collected from each member goes towards the district’s operational costs. This supports the various activities, programs, and administrative needs of District 37.
  2. Friendship Committee: $1 from each member’s dues is allocated to the district’s Friendship Committee. This committee plays a crucial role in fostering camaraderie and support within the district, making it a vital part of our community.

What to Do Next

  • Update Membership Records: Double-check and update your membership records in the Lions Portal before November 1. Ensure all new members are added and any changes in membership status are accurately reflected.
  • Communicate with Your Club: Remind club members about the upcoming dues assessment.
  • Prepare Financially: Ensure that your club’s finances are in order to cover the dues based on your current membership count. Budgeting for these dues can prevent any last-minute financial strains.

Timely and accurate dues assessment is crucial for the smooth operation of our district. By keeping your records up to date and preparing your club financially, you help maintain the integrity and efficiency of our district’s operations.

If you have any questions or need assistance with updating your records, please reach out to me or District Administrator Peggy.

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Written By Lion Steve Dogiakos

Steve is the 2024-2025 Treasurer for the Montana Lions Clubs, District 37. Steve is also the Treasurer for the Choteau Lions Club, the Choteau Lions Club Foundation and is the President of The Montana Dinosaur Center in Bynum.

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