

District News, Governance

District Election Results (from mail-in ballot in lieu of convention)

District 37 2020 Election Details

 Potential Voting Delegates 165
 Returned Delegate Certification Forms  29 Clubs
 Total Voters  56
Votes Item
56 Votes for DG Candidate Mike Collins
56 Votes for 1st VDG  Candidate Michael Tobin
56 Votes for 2nd VDG Candidate Scott Dornfeld
 56 Votes for Kalispell as the site for the 2021 convention
 55 Votes for Constitution Resolution – Officers and District Cabinet
 52 Votes for Constitution Resolution – Miscellaneous
 52 Votes for By-Laws – Article I – Section 8
 1 Vote Against the Proposed Change to the By-laws

There was only 1 vote in opposition to any of the ballot proposals.  Several of the ballots were incomplete.

Ballots have been appropriately destroyed.

PDG Dennis Kopitzke, Chair, Elections and Certification Committee
Lion Darrell Grogan Forsyth Lions Club
Lion Bob Martelle, Forsyth Lions Club
Lion Gordon VanAsh, Forsyth Lions Club

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