
Author Archives: Lion Steve Dogiakos

District News

Introducing District Treasurer Steve Dogiakos: A New Era of Financial Stewardship

Greetings, Montana Lions! My name is Steve Dogiakos, and as of the start of the ’24’-25 Lionistic Year, I am honored to serve as your new District Treasurer for Lions Clubs District 37 Montana. I am thrilled to embark on this journey with each of you, supporting our incredible clubs and their vital work in our communities.

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwavering dedication and service. It is your hard work and commitment that keep our clubs thriving and making a positive impact. As District Treasurer, my primary goal is to support you, ensuring our financial processes are smooth, transparent, and effective.

I am here as a resource and a partner. My aim is to assist you in any way possible, whether it’s answering questions, providing guidance, or simply being a friendly ear. Together, we can strengthen our district, making it more efficient and allowing us to focus on what we do best: serving those in need.

I believe that open communication and collaboration are key to our success. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime with questions, ideas, or just to say hello! You can contact me via a message on the District website. I am eager to get to know each of you better and to work together to achieve our common goals.

As we move forward, my vision for District 37 includes fostering a culture of financial transparency and accountability. I am committed to implementing best practices and ensuring that our financial processes support our mission effectively. By working together, we can make our district stronger and more resilient.

Thank you again for your dedication and for welcoming me into this role. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and confident that, together, we can make this year a fantastic one for District 37. Let’s continue to build on our successes and strive for even greater achievements.

District Treasurer Steve Dogiakos’ introduction marks a new era of financial stewardship and collaboration within Lions Clubs District 37 Montana. With a commitment to transparency, support, and partnership, Steve is poised to lead our district’s financial operations with excellence. His dedication to open communication and teamwork will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success and growth of our clubs. Welcome, Steve, and let’s make this year remarkable for District 37!


Who is Steve Dogiakos? Steve Dogiakos is the District Treasurer for Lions Clubs District 37 Montana, dedicated to ensuring smooth and transparent financial operations within the district.

When did Steve Dogiakos become District Treasurer? Steve assumed the role of District Treasurer on July 1st, 2024.

What are some of Steve Dogiakos’ goals as District Treasurer? Steve aims to foster a culture of financial transparency and accountability, supporting clubs with guidance and ensuring effective financial processes.

How can members contact Steve Dogiakos? Members can reach Steve by sending a message via the contact page for questions, ideas, or just to say hello.

What is Steve Dogiakos’ vision for District 37? Steve envisions a district that is financially strong, transparent, and collaborative, focusing on enhancing the effectiveness of financial operations to support the Lions Clubs’ mission.

District News, Governance

District Cabinet Meeting – July 2024: Key Highlights

The Montana Lions District 37 Cabinet convened on July 13, 2024, at the Great Falls School for the Deaf and the Blind. District Governor Raleigh Peck presiding. With a blend of in-person and virtual attendees, the meeting covered significant developments, financial updates, and new initiatives for the year.

District Governor’s Vision

District Governor Raleigh Peck emphasized his mission for the year, focusing on Club Branches, which require only five members to start. This initiative aims to boost membership and club activity across the district.

Financial Health and Recommendations

Cabinet Treasurer Steve Dogiakos presented the financial report, revealing that the district is in a decent financial position. However, there is a budget shortfall of about $24,000 for the current year. The team discussed strategies to balance the budget, including adding a line item for the Global Extension Team. Funds will be moved from Stockman Bank to 1st Bank of Montana in Choteau for better local access. The financial report and the resolution for banking were unanimously approved.

Grant Updates and Club Health

Past District Governor and current Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) District Co-chair Mike Tobin reported on various grants, including closing out the Plus Optix Grant and new grant applications from Glendive for ADA-compliant pool bathrooms and food bank appliances. The district’s giving to the LCIF is up by 25% compared to the previous year. The Club Health Assessment indicated a positive trend for the district.

Club Officer Training & Leadership Development

Efforts to enhance club officer training are ongoing, with new video resources for using the new Lions Clubs International Portal and training sessions planned for the upcoming convention in Helena.

A Leadership Retreat is scheduled for September 20-21 in Choteau, aiming to bolster leadership skills across the district. Contact PDG Mike Collins for information or to refer prosepctive attendees.

New Initiatives and Policies

A significant update to the district’s policies was the introduction of a 3rd Vice District Governor position, funded with $1,500 from reserves as a pilot program. The Cabinet also approved amendments to the endorsed projects and enhanced the security measures for the district’s website directory by removing email information and implementing contact forms.

Around the District: Community Projects & Reports

Zone Chairs provided updates on various community projects, including Columbia Falls’ summer concerts and Heritage Days, Eureka’s playground installation, and Choteau’s parade and concert sponsorships. Clubs are actively engaged in local events, demonstrating the Lions’ commitment to community service.

Future Events & Conventions

Plans for the 2025 District Convention in Helena are underway, with $3,000 in seed money allocated. The event will feature International Director Anthony Paradiso from New York. Additionally, the collection of eyeglasses was established as a district project, ensuring continued support for this important initiative.

Next Meeting and Adjournment

The next Cabinet meeting is scheduled for October 12 at the Great Falls School for the Deaf and the Blind, with Zoom available. All Region and Zone chair, and Club Presidents and Secretaries are invited.

The meeting concluded with a motion to adjourn at 1:00 PM, marking the end of a productive session focused on the growth and the betterment of District 37.


Training for Montana Lions

2024 Leadership Retreat in Choteau! 9/20

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Leadership Retreat will be held in beautiful Choteau, September 20-21! If you haven’t had the chance to attend one of our trainings before, now is the perfect time to join us. Our retreats are a fantastic opportunity for personal growth, leadership development, and networking with fellow Lions.

We believe in nurturing and empowering the leaders within our clubs, and this retreat is designed to provide you with the tools and inspiration needed to make a greater impact in your community.

This training is for everyone! Whether you’re a new officer, a newly inducted Lion, a Lion who isn’t currently an officer but aspires to be one day, or someone who wants to provide leadership in your club without holding an official title, this retreat is designed for you. It’s also an excellent opportunity for Lions who may be considering service at the District or Region level. No matter your current role or future ambitions, this training will equip you with the skills and inspiration to make a significant impact in our community and beyond.

If you or someone in your club is interested in attending (we love referrals!), please request an invitation by contacting the District. We want to ensure that all of our future leaders have the opportunity to participate and benefit from this enriching experience.