
Author Archives: Peggy Tobin

Club News

Winnett Lions Club-Five New Members!

The Winnett Lions Club has 5 new members! Pictured below are three of the inductees and their sponsors during the Induction ceremony.

Club News

Coutts Sweetgrass Charter Night – 88 years

The Coutts Sweetgrass Lions Club celebrated it’s 88th year October 25th.  First District Vice Governor Brian Gertiser joined the celebration at our new Sunburst Community Center that the Club donated over 1,000 hours to during the past year.  We helped convert a shop into a beautiful, functional center with a commercial kitchen, bathrooms, a bar and lots of space for community gatherings.


Club News

DO’s AND DON’T’s of Eyeglass Recycling

DO’s AND DON’T’s of Eyeglass Recycling for Northwest Lions Eye Recycling Center (NWLERC):

1. Make Sure Glasses Are Being Recycled From All Sources
Eye Care Centers
Senior Centers
Funeral Businesses

2. If possible, repack glasses donations into a 12 x 12 x 16″ container.

3. Separate these items and pack  in a zip lock bag to enclose in the box sent.  (The recycle center receives 1/3 of their financing from these items)

All loose lenses
All broken frames
All prescription sunglasses

4. Remove these items (and do not send in the shipment):

All reader glasses
All hard cases ( soft cases can be reused in shipping)

5. Pack glasses loosely and neatly in the boxes
Making the shipment neat helps with the removal for inspection and cleaning.
Add shipping label to the top side of box filled out per instruction.

NOTE:  Walmart has collection boxes in their stores.  Please remove cases when donating to these sites.

Website is NWLERC Seattle, WA Northwest Lions Eye Recycling Center

If you have any questions, please call Jack Beckman, 406.231.2424 or email at [email protected].

District News, MTLS&H Foundation

Dan Sturdevant, Presidential Award Recipient

At the October Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation meeting, a Presidential Award from Brian Sheehan, 2022-23 Lions International President, was presented to Dan Sturdevant by International Director Ben Apeland and Erik van Kuijk, MD, PhD from the University of Minnesota’s department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences.  The award had a depiction of the 2021-22 Grand Prize Winner of the Peace Poster Contest  themed “We Are All Connected”.  Congratulations Dan for over 20 years of service to the Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation!


Club News

Red Lodge Lions

The Red Lodge Lions Club has cooked hamburgers for the Red Lodge Fun Run for Charities for 19 years.  The hamburgers are free and are a goodwill gesture by the Red Lodge Area Community Foundation who coordinates the Fun Run for 62 non profits and charities.  At the Red Lodge Fun Run for Charities 19, held September 3, 2022, almost 700 burgers were cooked and handed out to runners, walkers and supporters.    Last year the Fun Run 18 raised over $342,000 for 60 charities and non profits in Carbon County.  It is an amazing event to have so many charities and thriving non profits working to together to help each other.

The Red Lodge Lions Club has been in integral partner and supporter of this very successful fund raising event for the 19 years of its existence.   Preparation of our barbecue  trailer, picking up food, setting up, cooking, serving and clean up usually requires over 70 hours of volunteer hours from the Red Lodge Lions Club members and others who pitch in to help.



October 2022 Newsletter

Conventions, Forums & Conferences

2022 USA/Canada Forum, Calgary


September 2022 Newsletter


August 2022 Newsletter