
Author Archives: Peggy Tobin

District News, Newsletters

January 2024 Newsletter

District News, Newsletters

December 2023 Newsletter

Club News, Community Service Projects

Gallatin Empire Lions Club Sponsors Bozeman Blood Drive

Letter from Thomas Hensley of the American Red Cross to Gary Shanafelt of the Bozeman Gallatin Empire Lions Club:

I wanted to reach out to say thank you and provide yesterday’s blood drive results.  It was a great day for blood collections!  There were 27 scheduled, 2 no-shows, 1 walk-in, 26 presenting, and 25 units collected.  After the Whole Blood separation process (Red Cells, Platelets, and Plasma) is completed, the drive will provide 75 lifesaving products ready for distribution to hospitals on Sunday morning.

Since we started holding the Lions Club blood drives in June of 2020, yesterday’s collections were a new high.  The lifesaving products generated from the drive will be a significant contribution in our battle to meet patient needs.  This is something that you and your team can be very proud of, please share the results and our thanks!

Erica did not mention any concerns form the drive.  However, if you have any feedback from your own experience, your team, or donors that you would like to mention or share, please do so.  Our lifesaving relationship with you and the Gallatin Empire Lions Club Team proves again when we work together, we do make a difference!

Thank you!

Thomas E. Hensley

Account Manager

American Red Cross

Email:  [email protected]

Cell Phone: 406-223-4526

Club News, District News

GST Report – Newest Endorsed Project – Diabetes – Now What?


Dear Lions Club Members:

I hope this message finds you well.  I’m Leanna Schwend, the founder of SugarBEAT Enterprise, and I’m excited to introduce you to our Diabetes . . . Now What? pilot program.

At SugarBEAT Enterprise, we are passionate about enhancing diabetes knowledge, skills, and management , particularly in rural and tribal communities in Montana.  Our program is set to make significant impacts in our communities, and we believe the Lions Clubs support could be invaluable.

We’re looking for partners who share our commitment to bettering the lives of individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.  In today’s digital age, having a user-friendly solution at your fingertips and on your schedule is paramount, especially for those in rural areas.

If you feel this is a worthy cause, we are happy to discuss potential sponsorship opportunities and joining us in this endeavor.  Please feel free to reach out to: Leanna

Schwend, [email protected]; Box 289, Forsyth, 59327; 406-351-2117 or Sarah Pratt, [email protected]; 406-346-2930; and we can set up a time to connect!  Learn more about our mission & team:  www.sugarbeatenterprise.com

Our sponsorship stake holders currently include:  The Montana Beef Council, Rosebud County Healthcare Center, Talen Energy, First State Bank of Forsyth, Cowboy Meats (Forsyth), YC Family Dental (Forsyth) and Forsyth Lions Club.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to the possibility of collaborating with the Lions Clubs of Montana to make a real difference in our communities.

For more information on Montana and Global service contact:  PDG Dennis Kopitzke, GST Leader; [email protected]; Box 1266, Forsyth  59327; 406-346-1488.


Club News, Community Service Projects

PlusOptix Screening Continues Across Montana

From Winnett Lions:  PDG Melody so enjoyed these little ones during the Vision Health Screening at the Sweet Pea Day care in Winnett.  We Serve!

From Cut Bank & Sunburst Lions:  Cut Bank and Sunburst Lions have joined forces to screen over 650 students in Cut Bank, Sunburst and Shelby Elementary schools thus far in October and November.  We Serve!


From Columbia Falls Lions:  The Columbia Falls Lions Club completed two days of PlusOptix eye testing of C-Falls school kids at District Six.  They screened 895 students with 101 referrals.  The PlusOptix is done once a year and put on by Flathead Valley Plus Optix.  Special thanks to Dave and Teresa Falcon from Kalispell Sunrisers Lions who heads up this project.  Plans are already being worked on for next years’ testing.  We Serve!




District News, Newsletters

November 2023 Newsletter

Club News, Community Service Projects

Ennis Lions Wrap up a Remarkable October

Ennis Lions Club Wraps Up a Remarkable October with Inductions, Fundraisers

and Community Spirit

The Ennis Lions Club has had an action-packed October, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to community service and fundraising for important causes. The organization has been hard at work, making a significant impact within the Ennis community and beyond.

In an inspiring display of growth, eight dedicated individuals were formally welcomed into the Ennis Lions Club family during the month of October. These new Lions have joined the ranks of the committed individuals who strive to make Ennis a better place for all its residents. Induction ceremonies are always a special time for the club, as they introduce fresh faces, ideas, and enthusiasm into the organization. Ennis now boasts a strong 71 total members.


The Ennis Lions Club also successfully concluded their rifle raffle fundraiser, which saw enthusiastic participation from the community. The lucky winner, hailing from Billings, walked away with a brand-new rifle. Beyond the exciting prize, the fundraiser managed to raise over $2,000 in funds, which will be utilized for various charitable initiatives, further strengthening the Lions’ commitment to serving their community.

As Ennis prepared for a winter wonderland, the Lions didn’t wait for the first snowfall. The club members were out in force, decorating the Ennis Lions Park for Christmas, creating a magical atmosphere that residents can look forward to during the upcoming holiday season. This early effort showcases the Lions’ dedication to spreading joy and unity within the community, even before the first snowflakes fall.

October will draw to a close with two fantastic events that promise fun and fundraising. First, the Halloween Bingo Fundraiser, offering an entertaining experience for families and friends to win thousands of dollars in prizes. Second, the highly anticipated Lions Halloween Carnival, a grand event benefiting various community and student organizations. This carnival promises to be a thrilling celebration of community spirit, with games, a haunted house, costume contest and entertainment for everyone.

The Ennis Lions Club is excited to continue serving the community and looks forward to an eventful November with more community projects and initiatives. Their mission remains steadfast: making a difference in our community and throughout the world by supporting those in need.

Club News, Community Service Projects

Sidney Lions Accept Donation from Pella Wednesday School Students

Lions Enid and Yvonne got to meet with Pella Church Wednesday School students on 9/27/23 to thank them for their donation to Sidney Lions. Each week the students bring an offering.  Early this summer it was decided to make a donation to Sidney Lions Eye Care assistance program, where area residents apply for up to $300 to help pay for eye glasses. The Pella donation money will be used to help their classmates purchase eyeglasses.

Club News, Community Service Projects

Shepherd Lions Celebrate 55 Years of Service

On September 9, 2023, during our annual Jamboree, the Shepherd Lions Club celebrated their 55th Anniversary.  District Governor Brian Gertiser was on hand to present Melvin Jones Fellowship awards to three club members:  Matt Beddes, Rebecca Beddes, and Agnes Beddes.  The Jamboree is the major fundraiser for the Club which supports the Shepherd Lions Community Center & Park and various projects at the Shepherd Schools.
Matt has been club president since 2012
Rebecca is active behind the scenes helping organize the Jamboree & other club activities
Agnes, a member since 1987, has served many terms as various officer & director positions.  Other family family members who are or have been Lions include her late husband, her sons & daughters-in-law, and grandchildren.



Club News, Community Service Projects

Ennis Lions Empower Community Safety at Bike Rodeo Event

Ennis, May 13, 2023 – In a remarkable display of community spirit, the Ennis Lions Club assisted with the Madison County Public Health Department’s First Annual Bike Rodeo, where they provided invaluable support to promote bicycle safety and awareness. Participants had their bikes inspected, received new helmets, learned crucial safety and hand signals, and practiced riding on a specially designed course, including navigating crosswalks.

The event, held at the Ennis Rodeo Barn, attracted a diverse group of children, ranging from young strider bikers to seasoned riders. The Ennis Lions Club, renowned for their commitment to community service, played an instrumental role in ensuring that the event was both educational and enjoyable.

Volunteers from the Lions Club meticulously inspected bicycles, ensuring they were in optimal condition for safe riding. Participants were provided with brand new helmets, properly fitted to guarantee optimal protection. The Lions shared essential safety tips and taught hand signals, empowering individuals with knowledge to navigate roads confidently and responsibly.






The highlight of the Bike Rodeo was the bike course, carefully designed to simulate real-life scenarios. Participants had the opportunity to practice riding, maneuvering around obstacles, and executing safe crosswalk procedures. This hands-on experience allowed riders to enhance their cycling skills and become more adept at sharing the road with other vehicles and pedestrians.

To conclude the event on a high note, the Ennis Lions generously provided delicious hotdogs, chips, and beverages to all attendees and parents. This act of kindness not only nourished hungry participants but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and community among those present.

The Bike Rodeo, organized by the Madison County Public Health Department and made possible by the dedication of the Ennis Lions Club and the enthusiastic participation of community members, successfully raised awareness about bicycle safety and instilled valuable skills in its participants. The event showcased the Lions’ unwavering commitment to fostering a safer and more inclusive community for all.

Submitted by Corinna Christensen