
Author Archives: Deanna Johnson

Club News, District News

DO’s AND DON’T’s of Eyeglass Recycling

DO’s AND DON’T’s of Eyeglass Recycling for Northwest Lions Eye Recycling Center (NWLERC):

1. Make Sure Glasses Are Being Recycled From All Sources
Eye Care Centers
Senior Centers
Funeral Businesses

2. If possible, repack glasses donations into a 12 x 12 x 16″ container.

3. Separate these items and pack  in a zip lock bag to enclose in the box sent (The recycle center receives 1/3 of their financing from these items):

All loose lenses

All broken frames

All prescription sunglasses

4. Remove these items (and do not send in the shipment):

All reader glasses
All hard cases ( soft cases can be reused in shipping)

5. Pack glasses loosely and neatly in the boxes
Making the shipment neat helps with the removal for inspection and cleaning.
Add shipping label to the top side of box filled out per instruction.

NOTE:  Walmart has collection boxes in their stores.  Please remove cases when donating to these sites.

Website is NWLERC Seattle, WA Northwest Lions Eye Recycling Center

If you have any questions, please call Jack Beckman, 406.231.2424 or email at [email protected].

Club News

Quilted Christmas Throw Raffle

51”x65” Quilt from the Sewing Room of Lion Jayne Pfeifer, in Support of PCC Ben Apeland, Candidate for International Director

$10 Each or 3 for $25
Tickets Available at District 37 Convention in Great Falls, MT & District CI Convention in St. Albert, AB

Or Contact:
Lion Whitney Miller PCC
P.O. Box 504
Bozeman, MT 59771
E : [email protected]

BettyAnn Robson
P.O. Box 8
Beaverlodge, AB T0H 0C0
E: [email protected]

Draw will be made on April 30, 2022


February 2022 Newsletter

District News

January Cabinet Meeting Minutes

Club News

Forsyth Lions Club – Natural Springs Water Project

Our most prominent service project over the years has been maintenance of the natural water springs about 2 miles West of Forsyth. Citizens from Miles City to Billings use the spring water for their household. Over the years the park area has been improved with gravel road access, decorative stairs, and improved access to the water. We also have volunteers who pick up the trash each week, mow the fire pit area, shovel stairs, and otherwise keep the area attractive. The park is owned by the state and the water is sampled and tested regularly as well.
The project benefits youth and adults in Forsyth and the surrounding area by providing natural spring water and a picnic/recreation area. We observe people filling water containers year around. Although difficult to count, an estimate would be that over 300 individuals and families (mostly Rosebud and Treasure County) use the spring water at least once during the year. The area is also used regularly for picnics and bon fires including high school home coming this fall. Recreationists like joggers and bikers stop at the springs for a drink and short rest as well. Overall, we believe the springs and picnic area are used by over 1000 residents and travelers each year.

January 2022 Newsletter


December 2021 Newsletter

Club News

The Ennis Lions Club Peace Poster Contest

The Ennis Lions Club proudly supports the annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. We run two contests in our middle school, 6th grade and 7th grade. This year we had 63 participants combined. The photo is at our award ceremony where we gave the 1st place winners each $50 and two runners up in each group $25. We also give $100 to each of the two classes as a thank you for participating. The teachers love this program and many of the students put a lot of pride and effort into their posters. After the contest, all of the posters are hung up on the walls in our post office for public viewing for two weeks. We feel that this is a great international program that gets the young people thinking about global peace. The Lions pictured are Lion President Ken Sciuchetti and poster chair Lion Jim Forsberg, photo by Lion Russ Whitaker.

Club News

Backpack Community Challenge

The Bozeman Sweet Peak Lions partnered with The Elk River Exchange to gather and fill backpacks designed for children going into foster care, a backpack of their own containing clean socks, underwear and pajamas for that first night.