Lord, as we Lions gather here we pause to offer up this prayer. Bless now this food that we partake and every effort that we make to build the towns in which we live, and put it in our hearts to give to worthy causes, bless the blind and all we do to serve mankind be with us till we meet again and bless this land, and our families.
Heavenly Father, we bless and praise your name for giving us fellowship friends and all that we need. Make us ever mindful of the needs of others and allow us, through this great organization, to provide a needed service to our community, that we may extend our own good fortune to those less fortunate than ourselves. Bless this food to our use, and us to thy service, that we may bring honour and glory to thy holy name.
Lions Prayer
Where Lions dwell, be present Lord. Weld all our hearts to one accord. To do Thy will, Lord make us strong, to aid the weak, to right the wrong. Bless this food to our use, and us to thy service, that we may bring honour and glory to thy holy name.
Lions Toast
Whilst standing, face your fellow Lion in front, beside, or behind you. Raise your glass high, then low, then “click” glasses, repeating the words: NOT ABOVE YOU… NOT BENEATH YOU… BUT WITH YOU.
Lions Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to my country and to the cause of peace throughout the world. I believe in the principles of Lionism as contained in the Lions Code of Ethics. I am proud to be a Lion dedicated to the service of others.
Lions Creed
He achieves success who lives well, laughs often and loves much; Who gains the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; Who fills his niche, who accomplishes his task, who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; Who never lacks appreciation of earth’s beauty or fails to express it; Who always sees the best in others and gives the best that he has; Whose life is an inspiration, whose memory is a benediction. He is a Lion.